Partner with Us
Everyone can use some fresh marketing and advertising. So we’ve created a custom package for food trucks. This partner package gets you some great exposure for less than $30 a month and we are only taking on a total of 50 food trucks/vendors. Plus we can save you over $150 a year in website hosting and maintenance. We will add your domain name to our network and provide you with a login so you can design, maintain and run your own website.
Our website gets hundreds of unique visitors every day. Our Facebook page has over 31,000 followers and our Instagram page is over to 7500 and growing fast. During the prime of our event season, out website gets thousands of true Cleveland visitors every day. You also get access to the Cleveland Food Truck Finder Group on FaceBook. Only are partners can have their business page approved in the group so you can post and reply.
Now comes the bonus. Only our partners are considered for our events. So you’ll get first dibs on our events and having your truck there. Visit to see a listing of all our events. Plus we actively work with other event planners and city events to help get you placements.
I’ll shoot you an email once you sign up and go over some options. I’m currently filling spots for set events in 2025, so the first people to sign up will get these spots. Make sure you follow Taste CLE on FaceBook and Instagram and you’ll see the paid ad running all month long each month.
Last thing, if you want to make some more money, you can promote our events and I’ll pay you 10% of all ticket sales. Especially if you are coming to one of our events, you can promote it and get paid for all tickets you sell. Great way to earn some extra money.
I look forward to working with you. I’ll shoot you an email once you are all signed up.
Adam Bossin

Food Trucks
Only Partners Get Access to our Events
Limited to 50 Trucks in the Cleveland Area
For about $30 a month, you will get a ton of marketing and website hosting. More than you can get from any other foodie publication in the Cleveland area. Plus, partners as a bonus get first dibs on our events. You do one event with us, and it pays for the whole year and more.
- Host Your Website for a Year with Website Builder ($150 Value)
- Buy You a Domain Name (If Needed – Value $15)
- 1 Week Feature on the Front Page of
- Business Page on
- Includes Social Links
- Includes Picture Gallery
- Schedule of Events (So People can Try You)
- 1 Post/Month on Facebook (32,000+ Followers)
- 1 Post/Month on Instagram (8300+ Followers)
- Access to the Cleveland Food Truck Finder Group
- 10% of Gross Sales at Events instead of 20%
- Included in our Paid Ad that Runs on FaceBook and Instagram
Our site gets a lot of targeted Cleveland food and drink lovers. These people are buying tickets to our events which means they are the type of people that enjoy getting out, eating good food and having some drinks. If you are a in the restaurant, bar, food truck industry, there really is no better place to advertise than with us. Our rates are less than most and our traffic is some of the best for your industry.