
Form – Cheese & Wine Fest CLE Table Signup

Cheese & Wine Fest Cleveland

Are you interested in having your wines at our event? This is a great opportunity and there is NO vendor fee. A totally free event for you.

Take as many tables as you want. Each table will have 3 wines to sample. You will need to staff your tables as well. If you need help with staffing, we can help. You are welcome to offer someone a FREE ticket to an upcoming Taste CLE event in exchange for working your table. We also have pourers available at $40 per person.

Any distributor that takes 4 tables or more will get wines included in the VIP area. We will be offering 10 VIP wines in a seperate room with their own food and we will staff it.

Bottles should average $8 to $10 a bottle wholesale and we will order a couple cases of each wine. We also offer wines for sale at our retail store for the event, so we will be selling wine to guests.

Please reach out to us with any questions and we look forward to having you at our event.