First, if you would like $25 Off your vendor fees, please consider becoming of our vendor partners. You get the following.
– First dibs on events
If you are interested, please email Mandi and she can get you set up and then yo’ll have a different sign up form for our events. So skip everything below if you want to become a partner and just email Mandi.
Taste CLE is throwing our Vodka & Martini Festival in February 15th. There will be over 800 attendees and we are bringing in vendors for the event. You will be able to sell your products and promote your business. The fee locks in your spot as we only have room for 15 vendors. Event is 5pm to 9pm at Landerhaven in Mayfield Hts. We ask vendors be there set up by 4:30pm. We will provide a table, chairs and linen for your table.
If you’d like one of the spots, please fill out this form so we have all the information we need to setup your table and promotions.
We will promote your business leading up to the event through the Taste CLE network, so you’ll gain some free marketing and advertising. Truly look forward to working with you and having you at our event.
Mandi Sethman
Partners Concierge